Have you ever had a mature, gorgeous, coyote stalk you? I have. It is scary. I luckily saw the coyote about 75 yards in front of me before my dog picked up its scent. I leashed him up and we walked the perimeter around Mr. Coyote to get to our park exit. But the coyote just sat and stared at us. Cur was pulling, howling, yipping and standing on 2 feet as we came within 30 feet of our new friend. We walked past and we were on our merry way when the coyote stood up, walked to the trail we were on, sniffed and marked where Cur had urinated. It then began walking towards us. Then it started the stalk-walk gait. Head down, shoulders looking menacing, super sleek strides…I was now very scared. We made it up a steep precipice. The coyote sat and stared at us. Then it stretched with a doggy-down pose and meandered away on the trail. It stopped again and sat down and stared at us again. Memorable experience.
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